Punks 12px (Vol. 2 - Alien Invasion, The Martians), first is first!
80+ / 1000 Minted

  • Punks 12px is a free self inscribe collection, only the first confirmed inscription of each image (in 12x12px) is counted as part of the collection.
  • You can check a punk's availability by using the check button below its image. NOTE: You can double-check last-minute recent inscriptions on Ethscriptions.
  • The status of the punk will appear on the bottom right of the page, if it's free; right click save as .PNG and inscribe using your favorite service.
  • Confirmed taken punks will appear grayed out, updates on confirmed taken punks will happen periodically. Find the confirmed taken punks in the tabular martians/mint.csv dataset.
  • Always use the check button as some punks will be inscribed but not be confirmed taken.
  • Questions? Comments? Join the 0xCompute community discord.